Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Blog Post #4

My experiences on Twitter in this class so far have been very good. I never realized how resourceful Twitter could be, if you choose to use it differently!! It has been very helpful in several ways as well. The other day, I had a test scheduled right before class and I was able to quickly send Taehyeong a direct message, letting him know I might be a few minutes late to class. This easy communication method was very helpful.

The term "digital divide" is basically a fancy word describing those who know how to use technology versus the ones who don't. Everyone has different privileges at home, and not everyone has easy access to home technology, like computers and the internet. Student's who are lucky to have this access typically do better, as sad as that may seem because student's of course cannot choose which household they are born in to and which technology they will be able to access. As a teacher, I would of course acknowledge these scenarios without singling anyone out. If the assignment had to be completed using technology, I would do my best to schedule ample computer lab time so the students could definitely complete the assignment during school hours, if they were motivated to do so.

Lastly, I would incorporate educational game software the most. I remember growing up these had a huge impact on me, helping me learn simple concepts that eventually evolved into something much greater. I want to teach 1st or 2nd grade, so I feel like these games would be a fun way to learn and the kids would enjoy playing them.

1 comment:

  1. I was also glad to have the DM from you for that purpose, Hannah. :)
